Friday, November 17, 2006

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Newsgator product setup

I'm not endorsing any product, but these are the tools I use.

Newsgator Online
Subscribe to Newsgator's online service

The free trial subscription can be downloaded here.

Enter your new account information, and setup your account. Remember your account name and password.
Next you will be asked about your account choice.
In order to sync with Outlook you will need to choose the Premium Package which costs $19.95 per year.
If you want to skip this and setup a personal account this will be fine for the moment. It is very easy to change this later on.
The next screen will let you subscribe to several blog choices. Choose any you want then hit finish. You are now setup with the online account.

Newsgator Outlook
Download the Outlook trial from Newsgator.
Save it onto your machine, and then run the installation.
You will need the .Net Framework installed. If it is not, you will be prompted to download from the Newsgator website. I couldn't find the files from Newsgator's site, and so I used Microsofts oft update service.
When you next start Outlook, you will be asked if you want to make Newsgator your default news aggregator. I have this set up by default.
The Newsgator install wizard will then start to setup Newsgator to work with your Outlook installation.
Newsgator will ask for base folders for news & clippings. I use a new directory under my personal folders called News. I also create a new directory called Clippings under Personal Folders.
After hitting Next, I accpet the default settings.
Choose the option for an online account, and enter the username & passord you created for the online subscription.
Finish the installation by selecting the trial account and a machine name.
Once complete Newsgator will sync with the blogs you have selected, and you should have a new folder under Personal Folders called News (or whatever name you chose for it). This will show you all the blog entries of your blogs, which can now read, delete, forward etc.

Now, if you find a page that has an RSS feed, you can right click on it and copy the feed address such as the following for the UtiliPoint Trading and Risk Management RSS feed. Try it, you can always unsubcribe later. Unlike email spam, you have the option of what you subscribe to or not.

Now go back to Outlook. You should have a toolbar entry for Newsgator Inbox on the left of your screen. Click on that button, and then select the Subscriptions option.

The blogs that you are subscribed to show in this list. Here you can delete feeds you don't need. You can also add news ones. Click on the add button (add feed). The blog address (rss feed address) that you copied above should already be filled in, but if it isn't simply paste it into the URL field then hit OK. Newsgator will then retrieve unread posts for that blog, and you are done. Any new posts to that blog should now appear in Outlook for you.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Wordpress sites

How to use RSS w/ WordPresss to aggregate feeds RSS Aggregation Or another site is RSS Aggregation

Make it great

Most people write how to's for blogs. Phil Gerbyshak challenges you to make it great. I found it useful.

Publish your feed on MSN via XML

Business Value of blogging?

Kansas City Star article

Efficient News rading

I found this link by Daniel Miessler which describes efficient newsreading with some great links in the comments.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Intro to Blog feeds

Chyetanya Kunte has written a succinct primer on feeds on this link.

Blog best practices

I found this article on blog best practices to be a wonderful overview of all I've learned so far.